Mitsubishi Services

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At Better Brakes we can provide an alternative for your vehicle’s logbook servicing, rather than bringing your vehicle back to the dealership.

Our technicians use the latest in diagnostic equipment to ensure we can provide effective new vehicle servicing for all makes and models. Early in your vehicle’s life it’s recommended you bring your vehicle to us at least once a year for servicing (or more often depending on your warranty agreement), where we’ll conduct a basic Oil Change service before determining your vehicle’s additional needs.

An oil change makes up the core structure to your vehicle’s new car service, covering:

  • engine oil and filter changing
  • a full vehicle inspection
  • adjustment of fluid levels and tyre pressure
  • service interval reminder reset

Once these basic steps have been covered, we can more accurately assess your vehicle’s condition, and provide an estimate for additional items and services.

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Oil Service

Price varies with model and vehicle age



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